You might see the term “Simple September” posted on our website or mentioned in our homes this month. Wondering what all the buzz is about?
Time for a little Maggie’s Place history: Several years ago, our account balance dropped so low that we were unable to make payroll. Our leadership team asked the homes to commit to cutting back on expenses, and they jumped on board. Many of the staff and MissionCorps agreed to delay their paychecks until the next month. Thermostats were set higher, pantries were cleaned out, clothes were line-dried, and one home used candles at night!
Since that eventful September, we’ve challenged ourselves to a heightened sense of simple living each fall. The staff, MissionCorps and moms met last week to discuss ideas to cut back on expenses. We’ve quickly found that these small sacrifices add up to more than just financial benefits, but also draw us back to our Core Value of Community. In community, we strive to embrace simple living and solidarity by putting the needs of the poor and vulnerable first. Simple living gives us space for others. Simple September is also a great reminder to be grateful for what we have been given – since God so abundantly blesses us through your generosity.
Here are just a few ways our homes are going to practice simplicity this month:
- Lowering the utility bill by taking shorter showers, air-drying laundry, etc.
- Using up food in the pantry and freezer
- Increasing our efforts to carpool
- Many more – as brainstormed by each house
How you can help:
- Help stock our fridge! Since we’re trying to cut back on the grocery bill, donating fresh produce or meats help keep our costs down.
- Practice simplicity with us, and let us know on facebook or twitter.
- Pray for our efforts this month, and as always, please pray for the moms and babies living in our homes.
Thank you for the many ways you support our Maggie’s Place families!