The first time I walked into Maggie’s Place, five boys were staring at me. Three of them were infants, and the other two were bearded, very inquisitive seminarians. Geoffrey and Colm were always around: ministering to moms, listening to corps, painting and fixing the home, but most importantly, holding babies. They were only able to serve at Maggie’s Place for a month, but their presence made a lasting effect on our moms and staff. In their short time here, they exemplified the masculine genius, sharing moments of joy and sorrow, but most importantly, Geoffrey and Colm shared the love of Christ.
A man, when living the vocation of love, is marked by an extraordinary gift; the masculine genius. This quality is a reflection of Christ; it is strong, yet tender; powerful in weakness; it is a pierced heart affected by beauty and sustained by love.
Unfortunately, walking into our homes, many of our mothers have not seen this man. Most of their encounters have been with the fallen nature, rather than the man built in the knowledge and resurrection of Christ. Occasionally, after listening to their heartbreak and pain, it is difficult to see past our collective fallen nature. When a man who is seeking Love walks into our doors, I am called to remember the resurrection.
This is why I love the men of Maggie’s Place.
The men of Maggie’s Place, whether babysitters or painters, young or old, married or single, have shown the strength, love, and compassion so particular to the masculine genius to our mothers and Corps. They embody sacrificial love, a pouring out of self, that calls us to empty our hearts in compassion to one another. In their gift of time and labor we recognize that we are not made to battle hardships on our own, yet we are called to humbly receive their generosity.
My house has been tremendously blessed with men who teach, listen and model virtue. They have become our adopted grandfathers, dads and brothers. In them, our moms have gained confidence in humanity, and grow in trust of the love of the True Father, the epitome of mercy and love.
I thank you for the gifts you constantly share with us, and I hope you grow in confidence of our love for you.
By Ellen Dahlby, a MissionCorps