I will gladly assist you with ways to make a gift that is meaningful to you and has a lasting impact on Maggie's Place.
Ellen Lord
VP of Philanthropy
I will gladly assist you with ways to make a gift that is meaningful to you and has a lasting impact on Maggie's Place.
Ellen Lord
Philanthropy Director
Help Maggie’s Place Flourish
Your gift provides a safe and loving community for pregnant and parenting women and their children.
For women experiencing homelessness during the critical time of pregnancy and baby’s first year, Maggie’s Place offers a caring support system and source of hope. Women find a nurturing and stable home, nutritious food, infant supplies, access to medical care and programs designed to build resiliency and strengthen families. We depend on supporters like you who care and understand the importance of strong healthy families.
Gifts That Make an Impact Now
You can make in immediate difference NOW and unsure a safe a loving community for pregnant and parenting women and their children.
- Give Online Immediately
- Make a Gift By Mail
- Download this form (link) to send a check by mail. Please note that checks must be made payable to Maggie’s Place.
You can make a difference NOW and unsure a safe a loving community for pregnant and parenting women and their children.
Give from Your Donor Advised Fund
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IRA Charitable Rollovers
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Matching Gift from Your Employer
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Gifts of Stocks or Bonds
In Memory or Honor of Someone Special
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Give While You Shop
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Gifts That Cost You Nothing Now
The power to provide life-changing programs for future generations is up to you. You can Leave a Legacy gift with nothing more than your signature. When you decide to include Maggie’s Place in your estate plan or as a designated beneficiary, you will support the impact that safe and secure housing, direct support services, parenting and child enrichment, health and wellness, and life skills programs has on our women and their children.

Gift With Financial Benefits to You
Maintain your current lifestyle, increase your financial security, and lower your taxes. You can receive fixed annual income and your gift will empower awareness and actualize strong, resilient families.
Gifts That Pay You Income
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Charitable income tax deduction, Increase Income, and Up-front capital gains tax avoidance.
For more information, contact Laura Magruder at [email protected]Gifts That Reduce Your Taxes
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Become a Corporate Partner
A Maggie’s Place Corporate Partner ensures Maggie’s Place is a vibrant, safe and loving community for pregnant and parenting women and their children. Learn how gifts from your company’s community support funds, gifts of trade, or in-kind gifts, promotes your organization as a philanthropic leader.
Corporate partners with Maggie’s Place enjoy increased marketing visibility, exclusive benefits, and strengthened community and employee engagement.
By becoming a corporate partner, your company gains exposure to our loyal supporters and special events. We work closely with corporations to understand their business objectives and customize opportunities to meet their specific partnership goals.
Learn how your business can benefit by getting involved with Maggie’s Place, with a cash or trade investment, by contacting our Development Team by email or by phone at 602-596-4998.

Take Our Giving Survey
Disclaimer: As with all gift planning, you should consult with your tax advisor and lawyer to determine what strategy is best for your current tax situation and income requirements. Consulting professional will help ensure that your wishes to make a lasting impact will be fulfilled.