What Only a Mother Would Know

Do you ever wonder what it’s like to be pregnant?  Well, I can’t speak from experience, but I do happen to know quite a few women who can shed some light on being pregnant—and often do. From what I’ve experienced at Maggie’s Place, I could answer that it’s looking forward to ultrasounds, deciding between the…


A MissionCorps member reflects on her time of service with Maggie’s Place. It’s impossible to merely ‘sum up’ the last year and a half of living and serving in this truly blessed ministry, where God’s love abounds and every day is so full of life, unconditional love, amazing people, heartbreaking struggles, astonishing accomplishments and the…

The Maggie’s Place Experience

Maggie’s Place is an unrepeatable experience. It is a kaleidoscope of every human struggle, and every human joy. We celebrate the beginning of life as we welcome brand new human beings into this world. We dream together about their futures. We pray that they can find the beauty in this broken world, and that they…

Fall 2013 Becky Most Scholarship Winners

After a detailed application and interview process, Maggie’s Place selected  the recipients of the Becky Most Scholarship Fund who will receive $500 to $1,000 scholarships. Congratulations again to our winners! Please read more about the recipients below. The Becky Most Scholarship Fund is named in honor of a beloved staff member who was killed in…

The Heart Matters

I distinctly recall a moment at Maggie’s Place when I said to a staff member, “tell me the secret of Maggie’s Place.” The executive director and co-founder at the time responded with a single word, “love.” To a certain extent, one could say the words heart and love are interdependent:  to have either, both must…

Wait with Hope

It’s already Advent, and we are just a few weeks away from one of the biggest days of the year.  At Maggie’s Place, we’ve been preparing for Christmas since July.  It is a busy, but beautiful time of year where we gather to celebrate not only our Maggie’s Place family, but also the birth of…

Because God Loves Them

I read a story a few months ago (here) that has really struck a strong chord with me.  It is basically about a girl who helps out her neighbor in a pinch.  Her neighbor is going through drug rehab, has a toddler, and was in a dark place in life.  I mean, really, Godlessly dark.…

Life in Community

“We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.” – Dorothy Day When I was thinking about coming to serve at Maggie’s Place, one of the aspects that appealed to me most was the community life. As a Corps member, I…

Planting Seeds

“Patience is a virtue.” I, like many others, grew up hearing this phrase as a catch-all for whenever I was antsy, in a rush, or simply wanting instant gratification. I never really questioned it, taking to heart that patience was indeed a virtue, one that I did not possess as a child! As I grew…