The Effect of Nonprofits

Did you know that if all nonprofits were a country, they would have the sixteenth largest economy in the world? That, according to The National Council of Nonprofits, is based on the 878 billion dollars they pumped into the economy in 2012, the last time the council measured such things. It’s a surprising economic impact,…

Tea For Christmas

Each year, a group of ladies in Scottsdale join together for Christmas Tea. It’s no ordinary tea. They decorate a home that’s already gorgeous, create a store filled with holiday trinkets, collect raffle prizes and ask for support for the moms and babies at Maggie’s Place. This year their leader, Susie Stelzer, a longtime friend…

MP Little Ones Ready For Halloween!

Over 100 little ones and their moms turned out for the annual Halloween party at Maggie’s Place last weekend. Party planners and volunteers came from the Scottsdale National Charity League and East Valley Women’s League. Maggie’s Place kids, and moms, enjoyed games, face painting, costumes, treats and crafts. They left all ready for tomorrow’s spirited…