The Maggie’s Place Family

As a new MissionCorps member who lives in the house, I learned very quickly that what everyone had been saying, about Maggie’s Place being like family, or the houses becoming your homes really was true. I became aware of this newfound family very quickly, with the way I began to care about the women and…

Goal Fish and Bubbles

If you go on a tour of every Maggie’s Place home, you will see that they are all unique—the Elizabeth House has a garden in the backyard and a stained-glass window in the chapel, the Magdalene House has several different buildings on the property, and the Michael House is open and one-storied.  We are located…

The Duty of the Moment

When I first started looking into Maggie’s Place, one of the aspects that appealed most to me was our core values and how they enable us to concretely live the mission of welcoming women into a community filled with love and dignity. Our four core values are: love, hospitality, community, and excellence. As MissionCorps members,…

Building One Another Up

A few weeks ago, I was invited to take a hike with a fellow MissionCorps member and a friend.  We decided to try Camelback Mountain, and when we set off in the early morning I was feeling very confident and very excited to climb my first Arizona summit! After a few minutes of walking, however,…